Cooper & Hunter

Cooper & Hunter

Cooper & Hunter Multi Split

Cooper&Hunter multi-split systems are designed specifically for houses with a complex architectural form, when there is no possibility or desire to clutter up the facade with a large number of outdoor units. They consist of one outdoor and several indoor units of various types, which can be installed in different rooms on different floors.

We will not only offer you the best price for Cooper&Hunter equipment, but also perform a complete calculation for your home or office, select compatible outdoor and indoor units, and professionally install a multi-split system in the shortest possible time. In fact, it is difficult for a simple layman to figure out which blocks and equipment are suitable specifically in his case. Therefore, we recommend that you immediately contact our specialist by phone at the top of the site , who will advise you right now, perform a full calculation and announce the price.

  • All Cooper&Hunter multi-split systems are equipped with modern inverter-type compressors with an official 5-year warranty.
  • They work not only for cooling in summer, but also for heating in winter at an outdoor temperature of -20 ° C.
  • Equipped with a Wi-Fi module for remote control from a smartphone.

Multi-split systems are a single climate center capable of creating an individual microclimate in each individual room. Temperature variability is achieved due to the possibility of connecting 2 or more indoor units to the external unit. At the same time, it is worth choosing the type of equipment carefully, depending on the design features and user preferences. In general, up to 8 indoor units of various types can be involved in the system.

At the design stage, we pay attention to each zone, choosing the optimal multi-split system air conditioners. In particular, for rooms with limited space, ceiling or wall splits will be an excellent solution; for areas where it is required to reduce the visibility of equipment to a minimum and there is free space for mounting the unit in a niche (technical room), channel and cassette devices are suitable.

In this way, we can create a climate system where each zone meets the key needs of your family, employees or customers:

  • Individual microclimate in each room / office
    A special microclimate in each room – temperature, humidity, direction and speed of air flows – are set individually. At the same time, extremely precise control of the set indicators is ensured – up to 0.5 ° C.
  • Multifunctionality
    The inverter climate complex provides filtration, air exchange and zonal temperature control at any time of the year. Effective in a wide range of external temperatures – from -20 ºС to +48 ºС.
  • Ergonomic space
    Personal technological solutions for zones of various sizes, purposes and with their design features allow you to use the square and cubic meters of the building as rationally as possible.
  • Unified air purification system
    By installing a multi-zone air conditioning system, you get a guarantee of the cleanliness of the air space inside the entire building. For example, in Cooper&Hunter systems , the CH SMART-ION Filter multi-stage air filtration technology has been introduced.
  • Optimization of the software module
    With the active operation of the compressor, the system provides self-stabilization, preventing any failures. technology “Stable Frequency Control” is used.
  • Economy
    The inverter system works continuously, constantly maintaining the set temperature. Thus, there is no additional energy cost for starting, as happens in a conventional non-inverter split system.

Quite often we hear the question: how to choose an air conditioner for a house in order to cover several rooms at once, providing cooling (heating) throughout the entire interior space. The most common task – 1 air conditioner for 2 – 3 rooms – is solved quite simply. In this case, you can consider a number of models belonging to the category of multi-split systems for 2 rooms or complexes designed for 1-5 indoor units. It all depends on the required power, additional features and budget. But, in any case, a single ventilation and temperature control system will ensure the comfort of use, especially if these are Cooper & Hunter technologies.

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Active filters
Clear Filters