Cooper&Hunter Daytona 2 CH-S18FTXD2-BL/SC/WP air conditioner

873.75 VAT is included in the price

  • Cools up to 50m²
  • Power (cold/heat): 5.20/5.30 kW
  • A++
  • SCOP 4.00
  • SEER 7.00
  • Heating operation: up to -23°С
  • Filter: “CH SMART – ION Filter”
  • CH 7-SKY Technology
  • Electrostatic filter: ECO-FRESH
  • Wi-Fi
  • Super Quiet: 20 dB(A)
  • 5 year warranty
temp up
temp down

A+ | A++


kartice jednokratno: $400,00 kn

kartice 2-12 eata: 5700 kn/ već od 475,00 kn/mj

kartice 13-24 eata: 6000 kn/ već od 255,00 kn/mj





 A +

 A ++


Customer support:

Mon-Fri: 8:00-17:00


Free delivery:

For all orders above HRK 1,999


Authorized installation:

On the territory of the whole of Croatia


Return of goods:

Possible return within 14 days

Available: in stock

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Instalacije Klime do 3,5KW

Instalacija Klime iznad 3,5KW

Eco Sence


Klima uređaj Cooper&Hunter CH-S18FTXD DAYTONA

Inverterski klima uređaj Cooper&Hunter CH-S18FTXD DAYTONA je premium kućanski split sustav dizajniran za stvaranje mikroklime u prostorijama približne površine do 50m². Oprema radi na ekološki prihvatljivom ozonu prijateljskom freonu R32 i namijenjena je radu u rasponu ambijentalne temperature od -23 do +43°C. Ovaj model također je dostupan u crnoj i bijeloj boji i bit će pravo ukrašavanje vašeg interijera. Unutarnja jedinica se hvali vrlo tihim radom, kompaktnim dimenzijama dubine, visokom učinkovitošću i osnovnim setom klimatskih funkcija. Wi-Fi modul za mogućnost upravljanja klimom putem pametnog telefona / tableta (OS: Android, iOS). “CH SMART-ION Filter” je nova generacija tehnologije potpunog pročišćavanja zraka. Osiguran je Sleep mod u kojem će klima uređaj raditi tiho, stvarajući povoljnu temperaturu za ugodan san. Tijelo unutarnje jedinice se lako može demontirati za brzo čišćenje i postavljanje.

Funkcije i modovi

  • TURBO – Uključuje klima uređaj na maksimalnoj snazi i omogućava brzo hlađenje ili grijanje prostorije
  • Ušteda energije – Kada je mod aktiviran, klima uređaj prelazi na smanjenu potrošnju energije
  • I FEEL – aktivira funkciju koja automatski postavlja trenutnu temperaturu prostorije kao ciljnu temperaturu.
  • SLEEP – Ova funkcija korisniku pruža izbor tri moda, omogućavajući postavljanje ugodnog okruženja za spavanje.
  • QUIET – tihi mod
  • AUTO mod: Obavlja automatsko prebacivanje radnih modova (hlađenje/grijanje), ovisno o temperaturi prostorije
  • Auto Restart- Ova funkcija omogućava klima uređaju da zapamti postavke nakon nestanka struje. Tako će nakon vraćanja struje oprema stvoriti željenu temperaturu u prostoriji.
  • Timer – Omogućava postavljanje vremena uključivanja ili isključivanja klima uređaja unutar 24 sata
  • Zaključavanje upravljanja – Omogućava zaključavanje daljinskog upravljača, sprečavajući slučajno rukovanje ili neovlašteni pristup djece


Technical features

  • Heat pump down to -23°C – Household split system for heating in the northern countries of the European continent. Cooling is possible at external temperatures: from -15 to +43°C, heating – at ambient temperatures from -23 to +24°C
  • Frost protection “+ 8 °C” – activated function will automatically maintain the temperature in the room + 8 °C, preventing the room from freezing. Electricity consumption will be the minimum necessary to maintain the temperature.
  • Technology I-Action – Ensures stable operation of the compressor at the lowest possible speeds – from 1 Hz. This increases the service life, reduces vibration and reduces energy consumption.
  • Frost protection – When the outdoor temperature is low and the humidity is high, the outdoor unit’s heat exchanger will start to frost over, reducing its efficiency. In this case, the air conditioner stops automatically and activates the defrosting function.
  • Energy Efficiency Class (SEER/SCOP): A++/A+++ – Generation V energy-saving package. Cooper&Hunter CH-S09FTXD-SC DAYTONA air conditioner fully complies with the European Union Directive ErP (Energy Releated Products) No. 626/2011/EU for domestic heat pumps and air conditioners
  • Freon R32 – Provides minimum harm to the environment and maximum efficiency
  • Fan start delay – In the heating mode, the indoor unit fan starts with a delay. This prevents cold air from flowing out of the air conditioner until the heat exchanger has warmed up.
  • Self-cleaning of the indoor unit – After the operation is stopped, the fan continues to rotate for some time, removing excess moisture from the heat exchanger. This function prevents mold and bacteria in the indoor unit of the air conditioner.
  • 7 fan speeds – Allows you to adjust the airflow of the air conditioner in a wide range
  • Remote control backlight – Allows you to use the air conditioner at night without additional light sources
  • LED-display – Allows you to easily control the main parameters of the air conditioner. If necessary, the display on the front panel of the indoor unit can be turned off with the remote control
  • Stylish and compact design – This air conditioner model is available in three colors: white with silver, white with gold and gold
  • Noise level 18 dB(A) – Record-breaking noise levels for maximum comfort

Filtration system

  • CH 7-SKY Technology A unique filtration system, consisting of 6 broad-spectrum filters, provides comprehensive cleaning from all types of household contaminants
  • CH SMART-iON Filter Generates negative ions around indoor dust particles to enhance their trapping by air conditioner filter
  • ECO-FRESH Electrostatic air-purifying filter captures dust particles with an electromagnetic field, further purifying the air

Control system

  • Remote control – Illuminated infrared remote control with date and time display
  • WI-FI – The wireless network connection module makes it easy to control the air conditioner from anywhere in the world. With this function, you can turn on the air conditioner, for example, on your way home from work.
  • BMS compatible – The air conditioner is fully compatible with the Building Management System, which makes it easy to integrate it into the smart home system
  • Wired remote control (option) – This series of air conditioners allows you to connect a wired wall-mounted remote control or external control for use in rooms with unlimited access or in hotels



Brochure – HR

Features and functions