Cooper&Hunter Floor Console CH-S09FVX-NG

937.50 VAT is included in the price

  • Cools up to 25m²
  • Power (cold/heat): 2.70/2.90 kW
  • A++
  • SCOP 4.00
  • SEER 7.20
  • Heating work: up to -25°С
  • Filter: CH 7-SKY Technology
  • Ionizer: CH SMART-iON
  • Electrostatic filter: ECO-FRESH
  • Wi-Fi
  • 7 fan speeds
  • Super quiet
  • 5 year warranty
temp up
temp down

A+ | A++


kartice jednokratno: $400,00 kn

kartice 2-12 eata: 5700 kn/ već od 475,00 kn/mj

kartice 13-24 eata: 6000 kn/ već od 255,00 kn/mj





 A +

 A ++


Customer support:

Mon-Fri: 8:00-17:00


Free delivery:

For all orders above HRK 1,999


Authorized installation:

On the territory of the whole of Croatia


Return of goods:

Possible return within 14 days

Available: in stock

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Instalacije Klime do 3,5KW

Instalacija Klime iznad 3,5KW

Eco Sence


Cooper&Hunter Floor Console CH-S09FVX-NG

Cooper & Hunter CH-S09FVX-NG INVERTER FLOOR JEDINICA je premium split-sustav za kućanstvo dizajniran za stvaranje mikroklime u prostorijama približne površine do 25m². Oprema je dizajnirana za rad u rasponu okolnih temperatura od -25 do + 43 °C. Ovaj blok se obično koristi u prostorijama gdje je upotreba zidnih blokova otežana (na primjer, potkrovlja s nepravilnim linijama stropa). Jednostavno i intuitivno rukovanje, moderan dizajn i izvanredne karakteristike čine ovaj klima uređaj izvrsnim izborom za one koji cijene stil i udobnost u svom domu.

Funkcije i načini rada:

  • Zaštita od smrzavanja “+ 8 °C” – Kada se ova funkcija aktivira, klima uređaj će automatski održavati temperaturu prostorije + 8 °C, sprečavajući smrzavanje prostorije.
  • SWING funkcija – omogućava automatsku, ravnomjernu distribuciju protoka zraka
  • TURBO funkcija – klima uređaj na maksimalnoj snazi i omogućava brzo hlađenje ili grijanje prostorije
  • I FEEL funkcija – klima uređaj automatski postavlja trenutnu temperaturu prostorije kao ciljnu temperaturu.
  • Odstranjivanje vlage omogućava smanjenje vlažnosti u prostoriji bez snižavanja temperature
  • SLEEP – funkcija omogućava korisniku odabir između tri načina postavljanja ugodnog okruženja za spavanje.
  • QUIET – Tihi način rada
  • AUTO način rada – automatski mijenja načine rada (hlađenje/grijanje), ovisno o temperaturi prostorije
  • Tajmer – omogućava postavljanje vremena uključivanja ili isključivanja klima uređaja unutar 24 sata
  • Zaključavanje upravljanja – omogućava zaključavanje daljinskog upravljača, sprečavajući slučajno pritiskanje ili neovlašteni pristup djece


Technical characteristics

  1. Heat pump up to -25°C split household heating system in the northern countries of the European continent
  2. DC inverter new-generation rotary compressor
  3. Stable frequency control ensures smooth and stable ultra-low-frequency performance
  4. Compressor heating makes it easier and more stable to work at sub-zero outdoor temperatures
  5. Energy Efficiency Class (SEER / SCOP): A +++ / A +++ pumps and air conditioners
  6. Freon R410 provides minimal environmental damage and maximum efficiency
  7. Delay of starting the fan In heating mode, the internal fan will start with a delay. This prevents the formation of cold air flowing from the air conditioner until the heat exchanger is heated.
  8. Self-cleaning internal units. After the cessation of operation, the fan continues to rotate for some time, removing excess moisture from the heat exchanger. This function prevents the appearance of mold and bacteria in the internal unit of the air conditioner.
  9. GREEN-FIN special coating prevents corrosion and extends heat exchanger life
  10. 7 fan speeds allow you to accurately control the airflow of the internal unit in a wide range of speeds
  11. Remote control backlight allows you to use air conditioning at night without additional light sources

Air filtration system:

  1. Ch SMART-iON filter creates negatively charged ions around indoor dust particles, which improves their capture with an air conditioner filter
  2. ECO-FRESH electrostatic air purification filter captures dust particles in electromagnetic field, further purifying air
  3. Two additional filters to choose from (optional); Activated charcoal filter “Against odors”; Antibacterial filter; filter “Nanotitanium Antichemical Catalyst”, Electric dust filter; Catechin filter.



Brochure – HR

Owners manual

Service Manual


Features and functions