Air Purifiers and disifection

Air Purifiers and disifection

Air Purifiers and disifection

Air purifiers and disifection devices is an indispensable climate unit in urban environments, which makes it possible to filter various contaminants and remove unpleasant odors from the room. For people suffering from allergic diseases, living in areas with a poor epidemiological background, near highways, buying an air purifier becomes especially relevant. The air we breathe greatly affects our health, so this issue should be approached responsibly.

Buy an air purifier for home and industry

If you live in an ecologically dangerous region, close to industrial plants and factories, highways, suffer from allergies, you just need to buy an air purifier. Modern units are equipped with a multi-stage filtration system. The number of filters and the functionality of the equipment determines the cost and class of equipment:

  1. Budget – allow you to clean the air from large mechanical particles, including household dust and various types of spores due to mechanical filters (multilayer HEPA filters and their derivatives).
  2. Middle class – the manufacturer equips the air purifier of this category with special wet filters that allow trapping fine dust. Among the new products presented on the market, devices with filters containing enzymes or slightly oxidized water, which allow eliminating bacteria, deserve special attention.
  3. The highest class – units, in addition to the above functions, are able to have a bactericidal and deodorizing effect due to the installation of an air ionizer.
  4. Premium class – units of this type are equipped with photocatalytic filters and electromagnetic traps that allow you to cope with various gas compounds at the molecular level. In addition, many manufacturers use their own developments, so if you decide to buy an air purifier, we recommend that you contact the specialists of the Air Conditioners online store or familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics of a particular model on our website.
Air purifiers: price and brands

The online store “KLIMEONLINE” offers  an air purifier for an apartment from the world’s best manufacturers of climate technology, the quality of which is not a question even for experienced users. Our catalog includes branded cleaners:

  • Wellisair Air Purifier and Disinfection;
  • Cooper&Hunter Air Purifier

Such microclimate will benefit not only in a private house, but also in an office (there are special industrial installations for air purification in large rooms). Industrial units have high performance, power and stable operation at high loads, which allows them to cope with their task perfectly. Industrial installations can be installed in restaurants, bars, hotel complexes, shopping and entertainment establishments, clubs and smoking rooms.

Difficulties with the choice of equipment? Describe your tasks to our managers and they will select the best air purifier for you with the necessary functions and capabilities.

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