Indoor wall units for multi system

Indoor wall units for multi system

Indoor wall units for multi system

Multi-split systems are climatic equipment, the main feature of which is the layout: 1 external, as well as 2 or more indoor units. It is the absence of restrictions in the expansion of the circuit, as well as the possibility of using internal modules of various types, that makes this technique convenient and effective. Moreover, at certain facilities, such air conditioners are uncontested.

Due to the fact that only 1 block is installed on the facade of the building, the owners of such units do not have to worry about the exterior of their home, office or enterprise. Therefore, if you are interested in high-quality and inexpensive climate technology of this kind, just contact us by phone. And if you are not sure what exactly is suitable in your case, then representatives of the Cooper&Hunter online store will be happy to explain everything to you.

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